WP1. Capacity building
Nuclei of AgM+net are SERBIA FOR EXCELL partners from PFNS. Initially, AgM+net will be enlarged inviting individuals (PhD and master students interested to work extend subject of interest) or expert groups, with history of cooperation, to join AgM+net and participate to different project activities. From the beginning of project, knowledge and skills of AgM+netmembers will be enhanced in order to improve S&T capacity of PFNS through: expert trainings, summer schools, preparation of teaching material.
O1.1 To establish AgM+net network of senior and young researchers, students (PhD and master) and experts out PFNS in order to stimulate scientific excellence and innovation capacity of individual researchers and groups at PFNS.
O1.2 To improve knowledge & skills especially of young people (students and young researchers).
O1.3 Initiate foundation of Serbian Society of Agrometeorology.
WP leader: Prof. Simone Orlandini
WP2. Networking and Implementation of Excellence
In the framework of WP2 strengthening of network trough different staff visits are planned trough: organization of short term scientific visits (STSV), guest lectures, small study groups (SSG) and “Problem solver” challenge. STSV’s will allow young researchers as well as established researchers to define their research preferences and explore specific fields during scientific visits. Classes for students (undergraduate, master and PhD level) related to agrometeorology, plant physiology or crop management will be organised during the stay of guest lecturers. Parts of lectures will be exclusively presented to each partner students, which are part of SSG, and it will be presented to all others. It will initiate communication among students and produce necessity to work together in order to solve problem. At the end we will discuss with students their impressions about joint study work. Web based “Problem solver” challenge will be created to attract young people to think creatively, i.e. to observe environment, to identify problems (related to plant development, agricultural production, physical processes of the atmosphere), to analyze causes and consequences and to offer solutions which include their knowledge from science (physics, chemistry, biology) and mathematics.
O2.1 Strength networking through exchange of STSV among network members.
O2.2 Organization of guest lectures in order to upgrade networking and internationalism.
O2.3 Establishment of SSG in order to increase communication and improve research potential of students as a future AgM+net members.
O2.4 Enhancement and affirmation of creative thinking and rise social capacity among students and young researchers as well as recruitment of new AgM+net members.
WP leader: Prof. Josef Eitzinger
WP3. Dissemination and exploitation
Dissemination of SERBIA FOR EXCELL project results (research results, script in Agroclimatology and Agrometeorology), concepts and activities (AgM+net, “Problem solver” challenge, SSG, public relation activities) will be done through: conference participation, publication of papers in peer-review gold open access journals, improvement of PFNS courses curricula, visits to other Agricultural faculties as well as schools in Serbia and WBC, providing school teaching materials, organizing public events (i.e. “children’s university”), organization of workshop, branding of project, project web page, internet social networks (Facebook, Twitter).
O3.1 To evaluate impact of activities carried out during WP1 and WP2.
O3.2 To encourage young researcher to think and act within research network and beyond on the level of independent researchers.
O3.3 Produce added value at the European level: mitigation of “crowding-out” effect.
O3.4 Public relation activities (school lectures and materials, articles in farmers journals, “children’s university”, etc. ).
WP leader: Prof. Ivana Maksimovic
WP4. Management
Each partner is responsible for financial management and reporting (participants to WP leader and coordinator, WP leaders to coordinator; coordinator to EU-authorities). WP leader is responsible for the reporting, coordination, discussion, and communication between partners/participants regarding to WP topic and tasks. Steering committee members will be present on General and Management committee meetings and make report about planed activities and presented results. PFNS as Coordinator will take oportunity to hire new person for project administration (not research staff) since PFNS has insufficient administrative capacity to manage the project.
O4.1 To manage, organize and plan General meetings (GM), Steering and Management committee and PFNS project meetings.
O4.2 To handle the scientific and financial reporting and other formal issues
WP leader: Prof. Branislava Lalić