Cover crops for improved soil fertility, by PhD Djordje Krstic and PhD Svetlana Vujic

Cover crops are crops grown between two main (cash) crops and can be used in different ways, as forage, green manure etc. Those crops may have a significant importance in Vojvodina Province having in mind that the soil organic matter is reduced up to 3% in the last 60 years and there is reduced use of manure as a consequence of decrease livestock production. Winter cover crops can be easily introduced in crop rotation and be used for the improvement of soil fertility. There are numerous benefits of cover crops, as they reduce fertilization costs, improve soil properties, control weeds, diseases and pests, reduce nutrient leaching (mainly nitrogen) etc. However, the effect of cover crops can be limited and they can also have negative effects on the subsequent crop, especially in conditions of the insufficient amount of rainfall. Even though introduction of winter cover crops in crop rotation depends on environmental conditions, it is a useful practice and it is important for a long period.

The text is in Serbian and it is written by PhD Djordje Krstic and PhD Svetlana Vujic from Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad.

Cover crops for improved soil fertility, In Serbian