EMS 2018

The European Meteorological Society Conference – EMS 2018 was held in Budapest (Hungary) in the period from 3rd to 7th September at Corvinus University.


On the first day of the conference, within PannEX – The Water and energy cycles in the Pannonian Basin and their interactions with human activities, Prof. Branislava Lalić presented the work that came out of the work of the coordinator on the project SERBIA FOR EXCELL, and on the subject of RRI the concept entitled “Internationalization of Higher Education and Introduction of Responsible Research and Innovation Concept in the Framework of H2020-TWINNING-SERBIA FOR EXCELL“.

On the fourth day of the conference within the section for agrometeorology and phenology, AgMnet+ members presented three papers, first was Prof. Josef Eitzinger with “Impact of climate scenario uncertainties on agrometeorological models” the second Ana Firanj Sremac on the topic of the seasonal prognosis titled “Seasonal Prediction of Agroclimatic Indices in Serbia and Austria” and the third Prof. Lalić on the topic of processing of meteorological data entitled “Gap filling in weather data time series – air temperature“.