Environmentally-Related Cherry Root Cambial Plasticity

Published by: Atmosphere

Abstract: The general aim of this research was to determine whether the cherry root cambium possesses similar water-stress adaptation abilities as the scion. Specifically, this study aimed to determine whether there is a shift in root xylem structure due to precipitation fluctuations and temperature increase during the growing season in two cherry species. Oblačinska sour cherry and European ground cherry roots with secondary structure were anatomically surveyed in detail, and correlated with meteorological conditions occurring during the vegetation when the roots were formed. Under environmental signals, both investigated species altered their radial root growth imprinting stops and starts in a cambial activity that resulted in the occurrence of intra-annual false growth rings. Changing environmental conditions triggered the shifts of large and small vessels throughout the false growth rings, but their size seemed to be mainly genetically controlled. Taking into consideration all the above, genotypes with moderate vessel lumen area—lesser or around 1200 μm2 in the inner zone, as well as no greater than 1500 μm2 in the outer zone—are presumed to be both size-controlling and stable upon the drought events. Thus, further field trials will be focused on the SV2 European ground cherry genotype, and OV13, OV32, and OV34 Oblačinska sour cherry genotypes.


Ljubojević, M.; Maksimović, I.; Lalić, B.; Dekić, L.; Narandžić, T.; Magazin, N.; Dulić, J.; Miodragović, M.; Barać, G.; Ognjanov, V. Environmentally-Related Cherry Root Cambial Plasticity. Atmosphere 20189, 358.

Ekološki uslovlјena plastičnost kambijuma korena višnje

Korenov sistem je generalno podržan i zaštićen okolnim zemlјištem i ne reaguje na signale iz okoline kao što to čini nadzemni deo. Međutim, ova zemlјištem posredovana zaštita je smanjena ako se ponavlјaju ciklusi dužih sušnih perioda, praćeni naglim i obilnim padavinama, naročito ako je korenov sistem plitak. Opšti cilј ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li kambijum korena višnje poseduje slične sposobnosti prilagođavanja na vodni stres kao i nadzemni izdanci – letorasti. Konkretno, ova studija je imala za cilј da utvrdi da li postoji promena u strukturi ksilema korena usled fluktuacija padavina i porasta temperature tokom vegetacije kod dve vrste višnje. Koreni oblačinske i stepske višnje sa sekundarnom strukturom su detalјno anatomski istraženi, a anatomski parametri su dovedeni u korelaciju sa meteorološkim uslovima koji su se javlјali tokom vegetacije, kada su koreni rasli i razvijali se. U skladu sa ekološkim signalima, obe ispitivane vrste su izmenile svoj radijalni rast korena i zabeleženi su zastoji i počeci aktivacije kambijuma usled fluktuacija padavina. Promene uslova sredine pokrenule su smenu formiranja krupnih i sitnih traheja u vidu lažnih prstena ksilema, ali im je veličina bila uglavnom genetski kontrolisana.