Lectures at UNIFI, November 2018

On the 6 November three Guest lectures are given by Prof Branislava Lalic, Dr Svetlana Vujic and Dr Mirjana Ljubojevic to the students of the University of Florense, and specially for Erasmus Mundus Master in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems (TROPIMUNDO) https://www.tropimundo.eu/, course on “Tropical climatology” and University of Florence Master in Natural Resource Management for Tropical Rural Development, course on “Agronomy and Soil Science” https://www.tropicalruraldevelopment.unifi.it/

Branislava Lalic: Meteorological data: sources, representativeness & use

Svetlana Vujic: Intercroping

Mirjana Ljubojevic: Climate impact on xylem tissue in woody plants