Permanent grasslands, by PhD Djordje Krstic and PhD Svetlana Vujic
Permanent grasslands in Vojvodina Province are mostly located on the soil with different degradation processes in which the pH value range from 4.5 to 8.2. These grasslands are of a very low productivity due to soil and climate conditions, the extensive use and the absence of any management practice. Measures which are important for improvement and maintenance of permanent grasslands include timely mowing, harrowing, fertilization and overseeding. Besides the impact on the yield and hay quality, these measures may diminish the effect of lack or unfavorable distribution of precipitation which are often during summer months. Thus, several or all management practice should be applied in order to maintain the floristic composition of grasslands, to improve productivity, and to provide a good source of quality feed for livestock production.
The text is in Serbian and it is written by PhD Djordje Krstic and PhD Svetlana Vujic from Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad.
Permanent grasslands in Vojvodina Province, In Serbian