Scientific writing course

During the 22 and 23rd of May 2018 we had lectures of Prof dr Dusan Petric and Dr. Steve Quarrie gave his lecture on the rules in scientific writing.

He has over 50-year career as a scientist doing research – organic chemistry, biochemistry, plant physiology, quantitative genetics, hydrology,   agro-economics, rural development, and education, 73 scientific papers in SCI-listed journals (plus 1 currently in   press), with over 4,500 citations, h-index 33. Guest Professor, Faculty of Biology, Belgrade University, Visiting Professor, Newcastle University Business School, UK. Former Director, Consultative Bureau for International, Projects, Ministry of Science, Serbia (2008-2011). Training scientists in scientific writing since 2003. Head of Education at European Training Academy, Belgrade

Many our students found his lecturers interesting and helpful. You can download his presentations and see is it helpful for you.

H2020 TWINN scientific writing course Day 1

H2020 TWINN scientific writing course Day 2