Climate caravan in Novi Sad
Scientific debate
“Agriculture, a response to the challenges of climate change and soil contamination”
Agriculture, and especially agricultural soils, has a crucial role to play for food security and climate change.
Human activities emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide, which increases the greenhouse effect and accelerates climate change. Every year, 30% of this carbon dioxide is recovered by plants through photosynthesis. When plants die and decompose, living organisms in the soil transform them into organic matter, which is essential for human nutrition because it retains the elements necessary for the growth of plants (water, nitrogen, phosphorus). By increasing the carbon content retained in the upper layers of the soil, the rate of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be reduced accordingly.
The “4 for 1000” initiative, launched by France on the occasion of the COP21, shows that agriculture can provide concrete solutions to the challenge posed by climate change while raising the issue of food security through the implementation of implementation of agricultural practices adapted to local conditions: agro-ecology, agroforestry, conservation agriculture, landscape management …
Dr. Viridiana Alcántara Cervantes works at the Federal Office of Agriculture and Food, Division of International Cooperation and World Food Security, and supports the Executive Secretariat 4 per 1000. She holds a doctorate in natural sciences focused on carbon sequestration in the basements. She worked with the Global Soil Partnership at FAO as Land and Water Officer in 2017 and as a Research Member at the Thünen Institute for Climate Smart Agriculture from 2013 to 2016 Her undergraduate studies focused on geoecology.
Ana Katarina Milenković is the director of Ama Centar. This center for the care of people and nature is a non-profit civil association, for the development and implementation of innovative programs in sustainable development, environmental protection and organic farming. Its main objectives are to improve the quality of life in the community, educating the public in the areas of sustainable development, environmental protection, organic farming and rural development.
Dr. Ana Firanj Sremac works at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, under the group Meteorology, Climatology and Biophysics. She holds a doctorate in Meteorology and Environmental modeling focused on modeling interaction in plant-soil-atmosphere system and its application in agriculture. She is a member of Horizon 2020 Serbia for Excell project focused on improvement of knowledge and skills in agrometeorology and related ecosystem sciences. Her undergraduate studies focused on environmental engendering.