
Call number: H2020-TWINN-2015(CSA)
Project start: 1 January 2016
Project duration: 36 months
Project coordinator: Prof. dr Branislava Lalić, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

SERBIA FOR EXCELL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691998.

The overall aim of this Twinning-H2020 project SERBian-Austrian-Italian (SAI) partnership FORcing EXCELLence in ecosystem research (SERBIA FOR EXCELL) is the upgrade of knowledge, skills and social capacity of PFNS  in the field of environmental sciences, with special focus on agrometeorology and related ecosystem sciences (such as plant physiology, crop management). The main tool for reaching that aim will be establishment of the AgMnet+  research network at PFNS in collaboration with leading international research institutions BOKU and UNIFI. As a strategy to improve S&T capacities of PFNS, AgMnet+  will introduce the concepts of small study groups of PFNS, BOKU  and UNIFI  students and develop joint study teaching material in English and native languages. BOKU and UNIFI partners will implement goal-driven measurement and modelling training in the selected research fields for AgMnet+ members. Additionally, EU partners will organise expert training related to preparation of research project proposals for AgMnet+ researchers. Intensive exchange of short term scientific visits, guest lectures and students visits among partner institutions will contribute to improved eligibility of AgMnet+  members for participation on EU projects, increased number of papers in peer-review journals and increased citation. Finally, AgMnet+ will serve as a robust basis for the further sustainable development of the selected research fields at PFNS, in Serbia and wider region of Western Balkan Countries.

Strategic partnership with BOKU and UNIFI, initiated by this project will significantly enhance the research and innovations capacities of PFNS and help to upgrade the knowledge and skills of both of its students and researchers. Additionally, it will reduce potential “crowding out” effect at BOKU and UNIFI and increase research and social capacity of all project participants.

Members of Management comitee: Prof. Simone Orlandini, Prof. Josef Eitzinger, Prof. Ivana Maksimovic, Prof. Branislava Lalic
Members of international Steering committee: dr Višnja Vučetić (Croatia), Prof. Vesselin Alexandrov (Bulgaria), dr Dragica Jankovic manager of PIS (Serbia), Prof. Anna Della Marta (Italy), Dr. Philipp Weihs (Austria)

Twinning- Horizon 2020

“Despite serious efforts deployed at national and European level, the European Union sees significant internal disparities in terms of research and innovation performance. These trends are further exacerbated by the continuing severe financial crisis, and the subsequent adverse effects on public research and innovation budgets. Also, there is significant evidence pointing to the fact that the pathway to economic growth and competitiveness is strongly connected to the scaling up of investment in research and innovation.

In order to address these challenges, Horizon 2020  introduces specific measures for spreading excellence and widening participation. These measures are targeted at low-performing Member States in terms of research and innovation, and they will be implemented by the Member States most in need of the new Cohesion policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.”

Twinning projects will help strengthen a defined field of research in a knowledge institution through linking with at least two internationally-leading counterparts in Europe.

Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020  is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.