
“Symposium on Advances on Meteorological application to Agriculture”
H2020 TWINNING – SERBIA FOR EXCELL final workshop

Workshop at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia,
in June 25-29 2018

The goal of the Workshop was to present the result from the SERBIA FOR EXCELL project together with its impact on education, science and cooperation. In the following text you can find Agenda, Book of abstracts and presentations of all speakers together with the videos from their lecture. Check the Galery for images from the Workshop.

Book of Abstract

Presentations and videos from Workshop:

Day 1 – Education

Introduction by project coordinator Branislava Lalic

Video - Branislava Lalic coordinator

Branislava Lalic – PFNS – Education – Teaching Book Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology

Video - Branislava Lalic

Antonia Bierwirth – TECNALIA – Excellent research through Responsible Research and Innovation

Video - Antonia Bierwirth

Radivoje Stojkovic – GJJZ – Internationalization of high school education. Current status and future plans

Video - Radivoje Stojkovic

Silvia Ghilezan – FTN-UNS- Doctoral School towards Knowledge Based Society

Video - Silvia Gilezan

Anna Dalla Marta – UNIFI – Internationalisation of higher education trough joint traing and exchange of guest lectures. SFE as a case study.

Video - Anna Dalla Marta

Ivana Maksimovic – PFNS – Overview of small study group (SSG) activities

Video - Ivana Maksimovic

SSG (Small study group) – PFNS – BOKU – UNIFI – Impact of climate change on plant growth and nutrition

Video - SSG - 1
Video - SSG - 2
Video - SSG - 3
Video - SSG - 4
Video - SSG - 5

Igor Balaz – PFNS – Science for education and education for science

Video - Igor Balaz

Marina Putnik Delic – PFNS – Problem solver challenge and its efficiency 

Day 2 – Science

Branko Ćupina – PFNS – Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad: Strategic plan in research and education

Video - Branko Cupina

Antonia Bierwirth – TECNALIA Research and inovation at Tecnalia

Video - Antonia Bierwirth

Els Ducheyne – AVIA-GIS – MosqDyn-Optimised methods for precision pest management

Video - Els Ducheyne

Levent ŞAYLAN – ITU – CO2 exchange dynamics in agricultural ecosystem. A case study of wheat

Video - Levent Saylan

Philipp Weihs – BOKU –Potential of photographs digitalization and thermal imaging for plant studies

Video - Philipp Weihs

Ana Firanj Sremac – PFNS –Use of different timescale weather forecast in the field of plant disease prediction

Video - Ana Firanj Sremac

Miloš Lompar – RHMZ – A new gap filling approach

Video - Miloš Lompar

Đorđe Krstić – PFNS – The effect of cover crops on soil water balance in rain-fed conditions

Video - Đorđe Krskić

Leonardo Verdi -UNIFI – Greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from soil

Video - Leonardo Verdi

Svetlana Vujić – PFNS – The establishment and productive and quality characteristics of sainfoin

Video - Svetlana Vujić

Pavol Nejedlik – ASS – Drought and its monitoring in Slovakia

Video - Pavol Nejedlik

Mirjana Ljubojević – PFNS – Environmentally related cherry root xylem plasticity

Milena Daničić – PFNS – Simulation of production of rainfed and irrigated spring barley under future climate scenarios

Milena Daničić – PFNS – The effect of ionic liquids on germination and physiological traits of wheat and barley

Video - Milena Daničić
The talk is part of the SSG from day 1.

Carolina Fabbri – UNIFI – Application of precision farming with a view to environmental sustainability and productivity

Video - Milena Daničić
The talk is part of the SSG from day 1.

Tijana Nerandžić – PFNS – The influence of different cherry rootstocks on sweet cherry properties

Video - Milena Daničić
The talk is part of the SSG from day 1.

Gerhard Kubu -BOKU- STARC – Impact

Aliyeh Salehi  -BOKU-  Effects of Nitrogen Source on Production Potential of Intercropped Fenugreek and Buckwheat and Nitrogen Requirement of Wheat in Cropping System Rotation


Day 3 – Cooperation

Els Ducheyne – Avia-GIS – From research to product: converting scientific knowledge into user friendly software

Video - Els Ducheyne

Milena Marčić – PIS – Concept and activities

Video - Milena Marčić

Josef Eitzinger – BOKU – Austrian system for drought monitoring

Video - Josef Eitzinger

Milica Pojić – FINS – FOODstars project

Video - Milica Pojić

Zorica Srđeviđević – PFNS – DriDanube project

Video - Zorica Srđević

Josef Eitzinger -BOKU – COMBIRISK and POLICY-FIT projects

Igor Balaž – PFNS – EVO-NANO project

Dušan Petrić – PFNS – LOVCEN project and AIM-COST Action

Video - Dušan Petrić

Ljiljana Dekić – RHMZ – European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) public datasets, availability and use

Video - Ljiljana Dekić

Branko Ćupina – PFNS – Bilateral cooperation with China.

Video - Branko Ćupina

Višnja Vučetić – DHMZ – Croatian Agrometeorological Society

Video - Višnja Vučetić



Workshop will comprize invited lectures and comprehensive overview of the results obtained during the project period. Focus will be on the improvement of education, research and cooperation activities in the area of agrometeorology, plant physiology and crop management. Nov when we are getting closer to the Workshop. Here are some additional material for the lecturers.

You can download the template for the presentation and abstract here .

We have some very interesting speakers in the field of education, science and international cooperation.

Agenda can be downloaded here.

We have some very interesting speakers:

  • Antonia Bierwirth, Tecnalia (Madrid, Spain), Invited speaker “Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept and application” and Presentation of “Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológica”
  • Silvia Ghilezan, Technical faculty, (Novi Sad, Serbia) “Doctoral School towards Knowledge Based Society”

The draft book of abstracts you can download here, Book of Abstract

Application open: 01.03.2018
Application closed 15.04.2018
Accepted applications: 01.05.2018
Information of acceptance: 16.05.2018

All participants must provide application form together with letter of interest (free form).

Application form for participants from BOKU, UNIFI (students from these institutions are eligible for the traveling and accommodation grant) (download here).
Application form for participants from other institutions (download here).
Send it to:

If you have any questions write to us by e-mail ( or trough social networks and we will be happy to answer.
