Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia 27. Jun – 1. July 2016

SS1 will include lectures and exercises related to the following topics:
a) Parameterization of processes in soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer schemes. Application of numerical weather prediction (NWP) in agronomy;
b) Crop modeling background – principles behind the models;
c) Managing and generating model input data;
d) The structure of crop model (AquaCrop). How to run crop models, calibration and validation procedures?
e) Crop model applications for impact studies.

Application open: 25.3.2016.
Application closed: 1.5.2016.
Accepted applications: 16.5.2016.
Supported participation: 16.5.2016.

Exercises related to crop modeling and NWP application will take place in parallel sessions from Monday till Thursday. Models which will be considered during SS1 are AquaCrop and WRF ARW limited area model. Participants will have opportunity to take additional class in Agrometeorological measurements.


For crop modeling exercises participants need to bring their laptop. There are no special requirements about system, except is should be Windows.

For NWP application exercises participants need to bring laptops. Numerical weather prediction is done under Linux/Unix operational system, so every laptop need to have one (Ubuntu, Fedora, …). We can provide laptops only for two students. Also a lot of free space is required around 300 GB.

More information about classes as well as material and input data will be available for you if you register on the web page.

Here you can find additional information about lectures and exercises, agenda  and Faculty of agriculture.