R studio exercise – In Serbian

Ana Firanj Sremac and Mina Petrić (Avia-GIS) at PFNS – 26 April 2018 gave a lecture on installation and work under R software to PFNS researchers. The Course in R studio is created to support the beginners through series of exercises.

Instalacija R-project softvera

Vežba A: Vremenske Serije u R-u

Vežba 1: Instaliranje R paketa

Vežba 2: ggmap

Vežba 3: Tipovi Statistickih Mapa

Vežba 4: Vektori i Rasteri u R-u

Vežba 5: Python API za skidanje ERA5 podataka

Vežba 6: Citanje NetCDF fajlova u R-u