First Announcement – SUMMER SCHOOL 2016


The objective of the Summer School is to provide the attendees with a comprehensive overview on agrometeorological applications and crop modelling, basics of numerical weather prediction (NWP) and its application in agrometeorology. The program is open to graduate students (with a first university degree), PhD candidates, early-stage researchers and professionals willing to broaden their knowledge. Internationally recognized scientists and specialists will give the lectures as well as the practical and lab work.

Exercises related to crop modelling (such as AquaCrop model) and NWP (WRF-ARV model) application will take place in parallel sessions. Main emphasis will be put on NWP model products which are not commonly used but can be very useful in agricultural production. Many lab works will be carried out to get attendees really “hands-on” in use of NWP and crop models. International renowned scientists and specialists will give the lectures as well as the practical and lab work. The number of participants is limited to 30. Travel grants and costs of stay, which cover the accommodation plus lunch during the school, for 15 participants from PFNS, BOKU and UNIFI is offered by organizer and financed through H2020-TWININNG-SERBIA FOR EXCELL project.

Application open: 25.3.2016

Application closed: 01.5.2016

Information about accepted applications and supported participation: 16.5.2016

Completed Application form s for The Summer School please send to:

with Subject “The Summer School 2016_application _[your name]”

Completed Application for travel grants  send together with application to:

with Subject “The   Summer School 2016_application _travel_grant_[your name]“

27 Jun – 1 July 2016