Micrometeorological measurements
Measurement of micrometeorological elements within and above various plant assemblies is invaluable for knowing the effect of the atmosphere on plants, but also the effects of plants on the state of the surface layer of the atmosphere and the value of the meteorological elements that this condition usually describes. The quality of the findings obtained depends on the quality of the measurement. When organizing this type of measurements, it is necessary to bear in mind all the circumstances related to the type of vegetation, its dimensions and relief, which significantly influence the measurement results. In the case of micrometeorological measurements carried out in the vineyard, forests and hill with grass during the field measurements at Jois (Austria) during student practice of BOKU students for sc. 2015/2016. significant differences in their micrometeorological characteristics can be observed. The material is intended for students of the PFNS and in the Serbian language.
Mikrometeorološka merenja
Merenja mikrometeoroloških elemenata unutar i iznad različitih biljnih sklopova je od neprocenjivog značaja za poznavanje uticaja atmosfere na biljke ali i uticaja biljaka na stanje površinskog sloja atmosfere i vrednosti meteoroloških elemenata kojima se to stanje obično opisuje. Kvalitet dobijenih zaključaka zavisi od kvaliteta merenja. Prilikom organizacije ove vrste merenja neophodno je imati u vidu sve okolnosti vezane za vrstu vegetacije, njene dimenzije i reljef koje značajno utiču na rezultate merenja. Na primeru mirkormeteoroloških merenja obavljenih u vinogradu, šumi i brdu obraslom travom tokom terenskih merenja u mestu Jois (Austrija) tokom studentske prakse studenata BOKU za šk. 2015./2016. mogu se uočiti bitne razlike u njihovim mikrometeorološkim karakteristikama. Materijal je namenjen studentima PFNS i na srpskom je jeziku.